Rate the quality of education you think you are receiving in college.
Which of the following academic-focused institutional actions would most increase your academic success? Select all that apply.
Which of the following student experience-focused institutional actions would most increase your academic success? Select all that apply.
Which of the following class formats and teaching practices help you learn and retain information best? (Pick up to 2)
What’s your preferred course format? (Pick up to 2)
Do you have a clear sense of when/how/whether to use generative artificial intelligence (e.g. ChatGPT) to help with your coursework? (Check all that apply)
How do you rate the following (poor to excellent)?
What are your biggest sources of stress in college (Pick up to 3)
To what extent are the following factors impacting your ability to focus, learn, and perform academically?
What do you think are the biggest drivers of what’s been called the college mental health crisis or high student demand for student mental health services in recent years? (Pick up to 3)
Which of the following possible institutional actions would be most helpful to you in promoting your overall well-being, including your mental health? (Select up to 3) - Selected Choice
How much do you view participation in extracurricular activities and events as important to your overall well-being and success?
Are you involved in activities (including student or departmental clubs and organizations, research opportunities, a paid position, or other volunteer roles) on campus?
Have you attended events (including campus speakers, co-curricular, social and athletics) on campus?
Which of the following statements, if any, apply to your level of involvement in activities (including events) on campus? Select all that apply.
Do you consider yourself a “customer” of your institution rather than simply a student? In other words, do you think the school should meet your needs and empathize with your personal experiences because you are paying tuition and fees?
How much trust do you have that people in the following roles across campus ensure that students (including yourself) have a positive college experience?
Campus climate in higher education generally refers to how welcomed, valued and supported all students, faculty, staff and visitors feel. How would you describe the campus climate at your institution, with respect to students?
Do you think campus leaders have the ability to improve campus climate?
Which of the following descriptions are true of your college’s career center and its staff? Select any/all that apply.
Which aspects of career development services do you think your institution should prioritize/focus on more? Select any that apply.
How would you rate your institution’s overall efforts to support students (yourself and others) in career exploration and development?
Which of the following do you think professors are at least partly responsible for? Select all that apply.
How would you rate your level of stress as you think about and prepare for your life post-graduation?
How confident are you that your education and college experiences are preparing you for “success” (however you would define it) after graduation?
In the spring 2024 semester, were you employed?
To the best of your knowledge, which of the following applies to the education level of your parents/guardians? (One or more has/have a four-year college degree; neither has a four-year college degree)
How are you attending college in spring 2024?
What is your current course enrollment status?
Do you have any of the following: Learning disability or difference, Physical disability or illness, Mental illness or mental health condition, None of the above. (Select all that apply)